Space time cell explanations for Quantum effects and other difficult effects

Quantum Jitter/Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal – due to the fact that we can never know the state of the ripples on the surface of cells, we can never predict with certainty the state of particle wave functions. At best we can predict probabilities given the best estimate of cellular wave state and particle state.

Black Hole Event Horzion/Information Loss – A black hole is a huge concentration of energy on a single cell. To an observer in the universe (internal ovserver), all cells appear to have the same infinitesimal size of one Planck Length.  One of the primary tenets of the spacetime cell idea, is that to an external/hyper-dimensional observer, energy-bearing cells grow in volume (specifically its surface area) proportional to the amount of energy it contains. Therefore a black hole to an external observer is an enormous cell. It seems as though there’s no limit to just how much a cell can expand; if there were, surely supermassive black holes like M87 would have broken spacetime already. As particles are absorbed by the black hole, their information is transformed to ripples on the surface of the ever-expanding cell. Therefore information is not lost and available to the external observer. The size of the cell to an external observer is equivalent to the size of cells in the event horizon to the internal observer.  This is why information in the black hole is proportional to the surface area of the event horizon.  The event horizon itself is a non-corporeal, virtual surface, but the surface of the super expanded cell is a real surface.

Quantum Leap
– when an electron gains or loses a photon, its wave function necessarily lines up along cell boundaries, the cells forming a natural gap, causing the electron to tunnel to its new orbit instantaneously.

Quantum Tunneling – when a particle happens to line up along cell boundaries, it can travel seemingly instantaneously to a location several cells away and through barriers it would otherwise not have the energy to move through. The probability of more and more cells lining up decreases rapidly, limiting the number of cells the can be tunneled through.

Quantum Entanglement – when two particles interact their waves will align either in phase or out of phase. If these particles can be separated such that they don’t interact with each other, they will continue to interact with each other’s waves. The wave strength drops off rapidly, but if no other interactions are allowed then the particles will continue to maintain a stable in or out of phase relationship.

Quantum Teleportation – the idea is that two entangled particles will continue to keep a tunnel open through cells such when that a third particle interacts with one of the entangled particles, it can instantaneously travel to the other particle, eliminating itself at the origin, and causing an in or out of phase interaction at the other particle.

Quantum Superposition – a particle’s various vibrational states ripple through adjacent cells independently, therefore allowing an infinite number of vibrational properties to be stored in a group of interacting cells.

Speed of light/causality – vibrations and waves travel through space time cells which behave like super fluid. The speed at the waves travel is a function of the density of the cells, which a constant as the lattice of cells maintains a constant pressure. Therefore just as the speed of sound is a function of the density of air molecules, so is the speed at which energy waves travel for cell to cell.

Wave Function – depending on the particle, different types of vibrations (for instance longitudinal and transverse) emanate through nearby cells at speed of light and follow (or potentially guide [bohemian mechanics/pilot wave theory]). The particle’s state therefore it theoretically infinite and it the combination of the waves associated with the particle.

Particle Spin – although spin is a characteristic which does not need by necessity to involve actual spin, I believe in reality it arises from a particle’s orbit-like motion around cells. While on the surface of an individual cell, the particle spin around the cell until the cell makes contact with another cell and then jumps to that cell.

Information Paradox – information is not lost anywhere in the universe from the beginning of time (actually even predating time) as vibrations of the surface of cells. In a black hole, a massive, unlimited number of particles exist on the surface of a single cell, thus appearing to an internal viewer to have zero radius. All the particles’ original states continue to exist as vibrations on the surface of the cell. This lends very well to the holographic theory.

Dark matter – Scientists have gone back and forth about the need for dark matter-some unknown matter which doesn’t seem to react with any of the known forces except gravity (and maybe the weak force). From a space time cells perspective, this is probably a particle which does not vibrate at all but does cause the expansion of cells. Vibrations amount to forces and expansion of cells amounts to gravity. Therefore a vibration-less particle will only interact via gravity.

Dark energy – This is an unknown energy that causes every point in the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. This phenomena is intrinsic to the space time cells idea: it is simply cellular division. From the very first division of the primordial cell at the moment of the Big Bang all the way to all the current cells in the universe, it is a property of the cellular fabric of spacetime. Classic astrophysics really has no explanation for this. Some sort of anti-gravity? How can every point in the universe be expanding, and wouldn’t that put tremendous pressure inside the universe.  What if everyone of your cells divided right now and then grew to the size of the original parent cell?  Cells on the outside of your body could just move outward, but cells in the middle would have to push all the other cells to the exterior outward.  For spacetime cells this is not an issue because the cells do not grow after dividing.  From the primordial cell until now, the universe has not changed in size. From the internal perspective, the universe continues to expand at all points, but from the external view the structure of the universe keeps getting finer and finer as the cells divide and half in size.

Holographic Universe – The theory itself is easy to explain: a volume of space can be thought of as encoded on a lower-dimensional boundary to the region. It’s harder to visualize. We live in a 3-D spacial universe, how could that universe really be a projection from a 2-D surface out at infinity somewhere? I don’t have the answer to this, but I can say that the spacetime cells idea is consistent with this theory.  The primordial cell is the “screen” which is out at infinity. All the information in the universe started out at ripples on the surface of the cell–some tiny, some huge, some high frequency, and some low. It is the information in these waves that is still imprinted in the current universe, just spread out across a great number of cells (said another way, the universe is cooler). Nevertheless, the amount of information in the volume of the universe can be expressed on the surface of the surrounding primordial cell surface.

Inflation – An idea is that the first division of the universe was actually many instantaneous divisions at once. That is many cellular walls started forming simultaneously like lightning tearing across the sky until nearly simultaneously the single primordial cell became many cells at once. This could have happened several times for the first several generations of cells, causing the universe to go from just one cell to trillions in just a few generations. Once enough differences in energy density existed, then gravity would start to take effect. This would end the inflation stage of the Big Bang.

Author: admin

spacetime space-time physics fabric gravity quantum particles energy universe expanding expansion dark matter